2015-2024 LEDFUL

How To Play The TVs On LED Display Panel?

Publish Time : Apr 14 2022

LED Display has the Features of High Definition, High Brightness and Long Viewing Distance. It can play the videos clearly with a widely viewing scope. Sometimes, many customers want to show the TVs for live sports and news on the LED Display Screen. This article will show you how to play the TVs by LED Display Panel.
How To Play The TVs On LED Display Panel
1.We need to prepare a TV Box or TV Card. if you have the TV Card, you can install it in the controlling computer, and play it by the led control system.
How To Play The TVs On LED Display Panel
2.For the TV Box, we need a led video processor, the video controller can transfer the TV Signal to the DVI signal, and trasmite DVI signal to led sending card.
How To Play The TVs On LED Display Panel
3.After we have DVI signal,we can play the TVs on the led display screen.it seems that is easy to control, right? So let us get start to show your TVs on the led display to enjoy the high definition videos.

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