2015-2025 LEDFUL

Mongolia 12x3.84m, Indoor P3 led display

Product Model: BM3
Pitch: 3mm
Size: 12x3.84m
Location: Mongolia

Indoor LED display is become more and more popular, it can be used in Hotel hall, shopping mall, church, meeting room, and so on. The installation method can be ceiling installation, wall mounted installation and hanging installation. As long as you tell LEDFUL your demand, LEDFUL can support you!

LEDFUL has done thousands of thousands this kind of cases. Beside flat display, LEDFUL can do curved display, flex display, 90 degree rectangle display and even round shape led display for you

LEDFUL listen to you, think more for you. If you have any idea, let’s make it come true! More support please contact us by WhatsApp/ WeChat/ Phone: +86 18138412605, or by email: LEDFUL.luke@LEDFUL.com.
  • Mongolia 12x3.84m, Indoor P3 led display

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2015-2025 LEDFUL
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